College of Integrative Sciences and Arts Override Request



Override process

The very first step is to double check to make sure that the course you are seeking an override for belongs to the College of Integrative Sciences and Arts. Click on the course description in the ASU Schedule of Classes, and at the end of the course description the college/school offering the course is indicated.

  • Submit the request and related attachments using the Google form linked below
  • Request is reviewed by CISA
  • Students will receive notification via email within 3-5  Business Days with the decision and any special registration instructions


Reserved Course Overrides

(Seats are reserved for specific campus-based majors)

  • Students must meet the criteria set for reserved courses, no exceptions.
  • Overrides are not given for seats that are reserved for campus-based majors.
  • Reserves are set by the needs of each individual unit within the college.  Requests are reviewed by leadership of the faculty unit offering that specific course/section. 

Space Overrides

(All sections of a class are full)

  • Will be accepted for review beginning 30 days prior to the start of each session
  • Must include an instructor approval (upload e-mail approval from instructor as attachment to form) 
  • Will not be considered if the classroom has reached maximum fire code occupancy

Course Override

(You do not meet prerequisites or took the prerequisite(s) at another institution):

  • Will be considered when there are specific extenuating circumstances.
  • Some requests may require a College of Integrative Sciences and Arts standards petition.
  • If students have the prerequisite course in progress, attach an unofficial transcript(s) to the override request.  Unofficial transcripts must show student's first/last name, name of the institution, the course (including subject/number), what term/year the course was taken (or is in progress), and if the course is completed, the final grade.
  • If a prerequisite is in progress at the time of the request,  the override maybe approved at the unit's discretion with an expiration date.  Students are responsible for ensuring their official transcripts are received by ASU Admissions and communicate to with the update once the course is complete as well as provide a copy of the unofficial transcript showing the final grade to remove the expiration.

Instructor Consent

  • If a course has a requirement to include instructor permission, students need to forward the email exchange with the instructor's explicit permission to enroll into the course to

Use care in typing in your name, identifying information, and course information in the override request fields so that your request is not delayed.

Submit an Override