The reasons students find themselves on probation can be complex. Students can find themselves struggling with time management, preparation, personal health, family stressors or the fit between interests, abilities and majors. You can bring up your GPA and get back on track.
All successful strategies require committment and action:
- Re-evaluate your current major and career goals
- Consider the balance of your course load with your other committments to find balance
- Set realistic intermediate and long term goals as you work on improving your academic standing
- Prioritize class attendance
- Visit your instructors during his/her office hours at least once a semester.
- Make use of the Student Success Centers. to find online and inperson tutoring, writing centers, and academic skill workshops
- Work on building a network of study groups for your classes
- Rewrite your notes from class to assist in understanding materials.
- Evaluate your time and prioritize. Get time management assistance.
- Work fewer hours or take fewer credits
- Find employers who are willing to be flexible in your work schedule so you can be academically successful.
- Read your syllabus early and often to plan for assignments and exams
- If you are a freshmen or sophomore campus based student, consider reaching out to the First Year Success Center for Peer Coaching
- Eat well, exercise, and get quality sleep. Visit the on campus Sun Devil Fitness Center
- Visit Counseling Centers regarding personal issues and concerns, test anxiety, roommate issues, time management tips, career counseling, etc.
- Visit Career Services to find out what employers are looking for in an employee. Even if you do not know your major get motivated to do well.
- Consider a major or career exploration class to better define your major and career goals: UNI 150 or CED 250
Sometimes, very small changes come with big rewards. Decide what you think will work, committ and follow through. Your GPA will get better!