Student life
Undergraduate Student Government
Undergraduate Student Government (USG) serves the undergraduate student body of Arizona State University. USG represents the concerns and needs of the students to the ASU administration, the Arizona Board of Regents, and the State Legislature. USG advocates for college affordability, registers students to vote, and insures that students have a voice in campus and university decisions.
Your CISA senators are a part of the legislative branch of USG. The senate addresses issues pertaining to any aspect of the university and beyond. All Senators serve on committees, which produce legislation relevant to the business of the committee. Legislation is discussed at bi-weekly senate meetings, which alternate with bi-weekly committee meetings.
All undergraduate students are invited and welcome to discuss any aspect of their undergraduate experience with the senators in their school or college. Legislation passed by the Undergraduate Student Government Senate is representative of the voice of undergraduate students.
Senators can help you with almost everything you can imagine when it comes to your overall experience at ASU. Funding for trips, events or programs you want to see initiated, student organizations you want to get involved with or launch — information about all these topics can be gleaned from your senators.
To get involved in student government contact your senator! They can get you involved!