Two students are working from a kitchen table in their home. They are facing each other with monitors back to back.

Career development

Curricular Practical Training/Optional Practical Training


Curricular Practical Training (CPT)  is a type of off-campus employment authorization for F-1 students who will complete an internship course during their current degree program. For more information, check out the resources below. 

Post Optional Practical Training (OPT) is a work benefit opportunity to gain off-campus work experience and is requested to be used after completing a degree program.

Curricular Practical Training (CPT)

Curricular Practical Training (CPT) is a type of off-campus employment authorization for F-1 students to complete an internship course that is integral to completing their degree.
Employment starts at the beginning of and completes at the end of each term (fall, spring, and summer). 

For more information visit the International Students and Scholars Center’s CPT webpage.

Post-Optional Practical Training (OPT)

Post-OPT is a work benefit opportunity to gain off-campus work experience and is requested to be used after the completion of a degree program.

F-1 students are eligible for a total of 12 months of OPT per degree program. Those 12 months can be used while earning your degree (Pre-OPT), after earning your degree (Post-OPT), or a combination of both (Pre- and Post-OPT).

ISSC highly recommends that you attend an OPT Information Session prior to beginning the application process.

For more information visit the International Students and Scholars Center’s OPT webpage.